Learning Community TALKS

Learning Community TALKS: Landon Mascareñaz, Ed.D.

Learning Community TALKS: Landon Mascareñaz, Ed.D.

Why do some leaders thrive in co-creation with their community and others scorn it? What is the role of the Open Leader? How are we evaluating the relationship between Passion, Place, and Purpose? Dr. Landon Mascareñaz, Vice President of Community Partnership at the Colorado Education Initiative (CEI) and Co-Founder of The Open System Institute shares valuable insights into these questions and more in a dynamic conversation wtih Michael Gilligan, Chief Common Ground Officer at Seek Common Ground.

Recorded December 1, 2021

Learning Community Talks: "What We Learned the Hard Way: Lessons and Reflections from ARPA I"

Learning Community Talks: "What We Learned the Hard Way: Lessons and Reflections from ARPA I"

Rachel Belin, (Kentucky Student Voice Team), Morgan Craven, (Intercultural Development Research Association), and Shirley Brandman, (Black and Brown Coalition for Educational Equity and Excellence), sat down with SCG Chief Common Ground Officer Michael Gilligan in a panel discussion on lessons learned during their time as project leaders in SCG's American Rescue Plan Act, K-12 School Funding Action Accelerator.

The conversation offers a candid look at how to bring community voice to the table with ARPA funding allocation decisions, and what other leaders could do today to successfully amplify community voice in the years going forward.

Recorded November 15th, 2021

SCG Learning Community TALKS: Misty Cole

SCG Learning Community TALKS: Misty Cole

Misty Cole, Early Childhood Mental Health Training Coordinator/Master Trainer at Hopewell Health Centers in Southeast Ohio sat down with SCG Chief Common Ground Officer Michael Gilligan to share resiliency strategies for caregivers, educators, and students, needed now more than ever.

Recorded: September 21st, 2021

Learning Community TALKS: Frances Cox

Learning Community TALKS: Frances Cox

Seek Common Ground CEO Sandy Boyd sat down with Frances Cox, Principal at The Fratelli Group to discuss communications best practices and share advice on accessing traditional media. During the Talk, Frances dove into such topics as the message triangle, telling stories through an op-ed, and tips on getting stories placed and published.

Recorded: August 26th, 2021

Learning Community TALKS: Kauser Razvi

Learning Community TALKS: Kauser Razvi

Kauser Razvi, Senior Director of Program Management and Innovation at College Now - Greater Cleveland, sat down witih Seek Common Ground's Chief Common Ground Officer Michael Gilligan to talk through equitable design thinking principles and how it can be applied across a wide-range of contexts.

Recorded: August 19th, 2021

Learning Community Talks: Alliance for Quality Education

Learning Community Talks: Alliance for Quality Education

Zakiyah Ansari, (Advocacy Director & New York City Director), and Stevie Vargas, (Upstate Campaign Coordinator) from the Alliance for Quality Education sat down with Seek Common Ground's Chief Common Ground Officer Michael Gilligan to share insights and best practices on organizing at the local and state levels. Zakiyah and Stevie also provided useful resources to help other advocates with organizing campaigns and provided deeper dives into how AQE has helped transform public education funding in New York State.

Recorded: August 10th, 2021

Learning Community TALKS: Kentucky Student Voice Team

Learning Community TALKS: Kentucky Student Voice Team

Seek Common Ground (SCG) Chief Common Ground Officer Michael Gilligan sat down with Kentucky Student Voice Team (KSVT) Managing Partner Rachel Belin and two members of KSVT, high-school students Audrey Gilbert and Connor Flick. The talk included an overview of KSVT's organizing structure as a youth-led organization, how they conduct multigenerational collaborations, and their efforts to co-design more just and equitable education systems.

Recorded: August 4th, 2021

Learning Community TALKS: Pamela Cantor, M.D.

Learning Community TALKS: Pamela Cantor, M.D.

Dr. Pamela Cantor, Founder and Senior Science Advisor at Turnaround for Children, sat down with Seek Common Ground's (SCG) Chief Common Ground Officer Michael Gilligan in a discussion that centered on the need for whole child supports for individual students, learning environments, and how child development science can tell us how to reimagine our education system.
Recorded: July 22nd, 2021

Learning Community TALKS: Kevine Boggess

Learning Community TALKS: Kevine Boggess

Kevine Boggess is the Education Policy Director of Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth, a San Francisco School Board Member at SFUSD, and a fellow project leader in Seek Common Ground's (SCG) ARPA Action Accelerator. Kevine sat down with SCG's Chief Common Ground Officer Michael Gilligan to have a conversation centered around recommendations for how advocates can more effectively engage with school boards, American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funding and spending, and current issues around culturally responsive education and teaching.

Recorded: July 20th, 2021

Learning Community TALKS: Ian Rosenblum

Learning Community TALKS: Ian Rosenblum

Ian Rosenblum, Acting Assistant Secretary, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education for the U.S. Department of Education sat down with Seek Common Ground CEO Sandy Boyd to discuss the American Rescue Plan Act and what advocates should know as they work with state and local leaders to prioritize spending to meet their community’s needs.

Recorded: July 14th, 2021

Learning Community TALKS: Delia Pompa

Learning Community TALKS: Delia Pompa

Delia Pompa, Senior Fellow for Education Policy at the Migration Policy Institute, sat down with Seek Common Ground’s Chief Common Ground Officer Michael Gilligan in a discussion centered on how English learner (EL) assessment is a civil rights issue, as well as Delia's lessons learned from decades of experience in the field. Recorded: July 13th, 2021

SCG Learning Community TALK: Landon Mascareñaz, Ed.D.

SCG Learning Community TALK: Landon Mascareñaz, Ed.D.

In the first of Seek Common Ground's Learning Community TALK series, Dr. Landon Mascareñaz of the Colorado Education Initiative (CEI) shares details on CEI’s MAA and ARPA Accelerator projects, his approach to the Learning Community, and principles of Open Systems.

Recorded: June 16th, 2021

SCG Learning Community TALKS: The Understory

SCG Learning Community TALKS: The Understory

Seek Common Ground (SCG) Chief Common Ground Officer Michael Gilligan and SCG Networks Manager Tom Picasso walk through the Roadmap at SCG breaking down "The Understory," SCG Thinking & Practice, and more insight into Programming, as well as speak on the cross-cutting nature of having concurrent action accelerators.

Recorded: June 9th, 2021