Sandy Boyd, Chief Executive Officer & Co-founder of Seek Common Ground
message from our ceo:
In September of 2020, Seek Common Ground (SCG) launched our second Measurement, Assessment, and Accountability (MAA) Action Accelerator— to engage in an improvement-science informed process to gather information and to provide assessment and accountability policy and practice recommendations that center equity and families. This collaboration has provided advocates with a forum to share ideas and practices, honoring their unique ability to identify and prioritize current and emerging issues in their states; lift up the hopes and concerns of their communities; and hone engagement and organizing strategies. Engaging those most impacted by policy in the creation and implementation of that policy—in this case students and their families—increases the odds that policy and practice will be sustainable.
Seek Common Ground facilitated a Learning Community, a key component of the SCG Action Accelerator model, comprised of six statewide education advocacy organizations: Advance Illinois, Council for a Better Louisiana, The Education Trust- New York, Expect More Arizona, Ohio Excels and Tennessee SCORE. Each of these organizations has a history of supporting statewide assessment and accountability as well as public reporting and transparency as a way to drive equity and improve outcomes for children in their states.
In addition to the highlight reel from project leaders below, you can also watch leaders from each organization talk about their work in more depth, hear what they learned from their research, and participating in the Action Accelerator, and see collateral from their projects. Moreover, while each project was unique, and met the needs of their state, there were some lessons learned that can be gleaned across projects and states that may prove helpful for other advocates.
learning community
Advance Illinois
Advance Illinois conducted focus groups with parents and students to better understand their perspectives on MAA and learning recovery in the wake of COVID-19.
The Education Trust New York
EdTrust NY conducted focus groups regarding continued administration of strong state assessments with rigorous proficiency cut scores, and their use in accountability (post-pandemic) and school improvement.
COuncil for a better louisiana
Council for a Better Louisiana created a template and portal to track and report key academic responses to COVID-19 at the school district level.
Expect more arizona
Expect More Arizona created and implemented community forums that gathered feedback from traditionally marginalized communities about what is needed to close achievement gaps in Arizona.
Ohio Excels
Ohio Excels found out how parents’ opinions on reporting have changed over the last nine months, learned more about parents’ opinions on other MAA issues and the impact of COVID-19, and informed policymakers of parents’ views so they can craft policies that strengthen the MAA landscape and address parent needs.
Tennessee score
SCORE deepened their understanding of parent opinions about education during COVID-19 by conducting a public opinion survey in October that followed up parent polls conducted in April and August and used this insight to defend and advance measurement, assessment, and accountability.