Kentucky Student Voice Team
Organizational Background: The Kentucky Student Voice Team supports students as research, advocacy, and policy partners to improve Kentucky schools. Envisioning a more just and equitable world, in which all school-connected adults are equipped to support students and decisionmakers consult, and co-design, policies and practices with students, KSVT is made up of 100+ self-selected Kentucky students, ages 13-22. Through SCG’s Community-led COVID-19 Recovery Action Accelerator in 2020, KSVT expanded its Coping with COVID student-designed survey from outreach to students to an intergenerational study incorporating the perspectives of caregivers and educators.
Project: KSVT devised and facilitated student-led roundtables with students from diverse populations and geographies centered around the culture of assessments from elementary to pre-college years and used this information to create discrete assessment discussion guides for students, parents, and school and teacher leaders.