Organization Background: Ready Washington is a coalition of more than 20 state and local agencies, associations, and advocacy organizations that believe every Washington student should graduate high school prepared for a successful future––on the education and career path they choose––and ReadyWA offers tools and resources to support them on that path. In previous MAA phases, ReadyWA held focus groups and community cafes with organizations representing refugee families and within Seattle to determine their perspectives on MAA related issues.
Project: ReadyWA conducted an informal survey of five districts to learn how they communicate with families and held four discussion groups with families (two in Spanish, two in English) to hear from them how they would like to receive the information they need from schools and districts. ReadyWA used the learnings from this outreach to update an existing fact sheet for families about assessments (which they created in MAA I) and made a toolkit for districts to use in their outreach to families about upcoming assessments.